Bienvenue! Welcome to Madame Harris's website!

I am so excited to return to Archway Arete and to continue developing our French program! I will be working with our youngest students in kindergarten and first grade. Each student will have French class twice per week, for forty minutes each class. Classes will be taught in the immersion method. Proven effective, children quickly become accustomed to French sounds and words, and will be engaged in fun activities that make the new language feel natural. These include songs, games, coloring, stories, skits, and TPR (Total Physical Response--physical imitation and response to verbal commands.) The goals of the French program at Archway Arete are that the students become comfortable with and enjoy learning another language; build a foundation of phrases, vocabulary, and simple grammar, which will help them in their future language studies; and appreciate the cultures of France and the French-speaking world. The topics we will cover this year include greetings and expressions of courtesy, school, colors, numbers, the family, animals, adjectives, the calendar, weather, the house, and verbal commands. I look forward to introducing your students to the world of French! Please feel free to contact me with any questions that might arise throughout the year.


I will often put the pronunciation of vocabulary words in parentheses after the word. Please follow these notes to help you:

* indicates a nasal sound--hold your nose while saying it to practice the sound.
^ indicates a tight U sound--say the letter E while puckering your lips to get the sound.
ZH indicates a soft J sound, as in Jacques or the S in measure.
The French R is in the throat, almost as if gargling, but softer.

The following units are based on the new curriculum, Les Loustics

Unit 1: “Bonjour” (August-September)
Greetings and taking leave, Classroom commands, Saying one’s age, Numbers to 12 (+), Shapes, Colors, Days of the Week

Unit 2: “Vive l’École” (October-December)
Naming school objects, Numbers to 20 (+), the Possessive adjectives MY and YOUR, Months of the year, Indicating preferred activities, the Alphabet

Unit 3: “La Famille LeGrand” (January-March)
Introduce one’s family and pets, Say where one lives, Name objects of one’s bedroom

Unit 4: “In Shape?” (April-May)
Parts of the Body, Emotions, Facial Features, Say what hurts


Greetings, Expressions of Courtesy, Classroom Objects, Numbers to 7, Colors (Ongoing), Classroom Commands and Action Verbs (Ongoing)
Songs: “Bonjour Madame,” “Violette à Bicyclette”

Parts of the Body, Days of the Week, Numbers to 10
“Jean Petit Qui Danse,” “Les Deux Pieds Font,” “Tête, Épaules, Genoux, et Pieds” (“Alouette”)

Months, Seasons, Weather, Numbers to 20
Songs: “Tu Chanteras,” “La Neige Tombe”

The Alphabet, the Family, the House
Songs: “A-B-C-D,” “Frère Jacques,”

Food, Preferences
Songs: “1-2-3, J’irai dans les Bois”

Animals, Simple Adjectives, (Prepositions)
“Saute la Petite Grenouille,” “Sur le Pont d’Avignon,” “Bisous d’Esquimau”

Stories—These are repeated during the year, and include reinforcing activities.
Le Petit Chaperon Rouge (Little Red Riding Hood)
Les Trois Petits Cochons (The Three Little Pigs)

Monday, December 19, 2016

Kindergarteners have begin learning the Seasons and the Weather:

l'Hiver (lee vehr)-winter,   le Printemps (luh, prah* toh*)-spring,   L'Été (lay tay)-Summer

L'Automne (lo tun)-Fall

Il fait chaud--It's warm/hot,   Il fait froid--It's cold,    Il fait frais.--It's cool

Il fait du soleil--It's sunny,    Il pleut.--It's raining,     Il neige--It's snowing
First Graders have been learning to name the following school supplies:

un crayon (cray oh*)-pencil,  un stylo (stee loh)-pen, une trousse (troos)-pencil case, un cartable (car tah bluh)-book bag, des ciseaux (see zoh)-scissors, une règle (regl)-ruler, une colle (kull)-glue

They are becoming familiar with hearing the forms of MY:

Mon (masculine), Ma (feminine), and Mes (plural)

They are also becoming familiar with the feminine forms of some colors and with the concept of adjective agreement (the adjective form must match the noun in gender and number):

Bleu, bleue                             Blanc, blanche
Violet, violette                       Noir, noire
Vert, verte

Rouge, jaune and rose don't change because they already have an E at the end.
Orange and marron never change because they are also foods.

Thursday, December 8, 2016


Students have been enjoying a new song and a new chant, which have helped them solidify their understanding of the following Parts of the Body vocabulary:

la tête (head), le nez (nose), les oreilles (ears), les yeux (eyes), l'oeil (the eye),
la bouche (mouth), l'épaule (shoulder), le genou (knee), le pied (foot), la main (hand)

Song: Jean Petit Qui Danse

Jean Petit qui danse, Jean Petit qui danse
De sa tête il danse, de sa tête il danse (verse 2: de ses mains, verse 3: de son pied)
De sa tête, tête, tête
Ainsi danse Jean Petit

Chant: Les deux pieds font tap tap tap
            Les deux mains font clap clap clap
            Un pas 'ci, un pas là
            Un petit tour et puis voilà!

            La tête fait nick nick nick
            Les petits doigts font click click click
            Un pas 'ci, un pas là
            Un petit tour et puis VOILÀ (Hold a pose 3 seconds)

Finally, students are now able to count to 20 (and some higher!):

17 dix-sept, 18 dix-huit, 19 dix-neuf, 20 vingt, 21 vingt et un, 22 vingt-deux....30 trente
First Grade

We have finished Unit 1 and students have become familiar with the following:

Comment ça va? (How are you?), Ça va? (Everything OK?), Oui, et toi? (Yes, and you?)
Monsieur, Madame (Mr., Mrs.),  Bien, merci (Well, thank you), Comment tu t'appelles? (What's your name?), Je m'appelle (My name is), Moi, c'est + name (I'm + name), Tu as quel age? (How old are you?), J'ai six/sept ans. (I'm six/seven)

Numbers to 12 and their spelling
1 un, 2 deux, 3 trois, 4 quatre, 5 cinq, 6 six, 7 sept, 8 huit, 9 neuf, 10 dix, 11 onze, 12 douze

Le triangle, le rectangle, le cercle/le rond, le carré (square)

Bleu, orange, rouge (red), vert (green), jaune (yellow), violet (purple), noir (black), blanc (white)

Monday, October 17, 2016


We have begun learning the Parts of the Body.  To help with this, students are enjoying the song "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" in French:

Tête, épaules, genoux, et pieds, genoux et pieds,
Tête, épaules, genoux, et pieds, genuox et pieds,
J'ai deux yeux, deux oreilles, une bouche, et un nez,
Tête, épaules, genoux, et pieds, genoux et pieds!"

We are also learning Numbers from 11 to 16:

11-onze, 12-douze, 13-treize, 14-quatorze, 15-quinze, 16-seize

Finally, we are beginning to memorize the American Pledge of Allegiance--in French!

Monday, September 19, 2016


Students can now count to ten!  They have been enjoying another song that helps them practice their numbers to seven: 

1-2-3-4-5-6-7, Violette, Violette,
1-2-3-4-5-6-7, Violette à bicyclette!

Kindergarten has also enjoyed the many times we played "Jacques Dit" (Simon Says) with our classroom commands and action verbs.  We have added COUREZ! (Run!) and MANGEZ (Eat!), as well as two adverbs:  VITE! (Quickly), and LENTEMENT (slowly).

We are now practicing how to point out an object with VOILÀ____.  (There is the ____.)


Students have been enjoying a new song that reinforces the numbers 1-12.  It is a famous song in France:

"1,2,3, Je vais dans les bois  (1,2,3, I'm going in the woods)
 4,5,6, cueillir des cerises  (4,5,6, to pick cherries)
 7,8,9, dans mon panier neuf  (7,8,9, in my new basket)
 10,11,12, ells seront toutes rouges!  (11,12,13, they will be all red!)

Next week we will be reviewing colors and learning shapes.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Students have been learning how to introduce themselves with JE M'APPELLE, and answer COMMENT ÇA VA? (How are you) with BIEN (well), TRÈS BIEN (very well), and FANTASTIQUE!  They are learning several classroom objects, some colors, and numbers 1-5 (we will continue this for several weeks):

le crayon (pencil)     la chaise (chair)     le tableau (white board)
le papier (paper)       le pupitre (desk)    la porte (door)

rouge (red)     bleu (blue)     jaune (yellow)      marron (brown)     rose (pink)
vert (green)    orange            violet (purple)      noir (black)

1 (un)  2 (deux)  3 (trois)  4 (quatre)  5 (cinq)

They have also been enjoying a "Hello" song, sung to the tune of "Where is thumbkin?":

Bonjour Madame, Bonjour Madame
Comment ça va? Comment ça va?
Très bien merci, Très bien merci
Au revoir! Au revoir!

First Grade

Students have learned to introduce themselves in two different ways: JE M'APPELLE (My name is___) and MOI, C'EST (I'm ____).  They have begun getting to know the members of the Legrand family, who appear often in our new program, Les Loustics.  They have been reviewing answers to COMMENT ÇA VA? (How are you?) from last year, and are working on the more casual dialogue,  ÇA VA? > OUI, ET TOI? > OUI, ÇA VA!  (Is it going well?  Yes, and you?  Yes, everything's OK!)

We learned a new Hello/Goodbye song:

Je te dis Bonjour.  Tu me dis Bonjour.  On se dit Bonjour, et Bonne journee!
Je te dis Au revoir.  Tu me dis Au revoir.  On se dit Au revoir, et À bientôt!

Students reviewed some commands of the classroom: ÉCOUTE! (listen), REGARDE! (look), CHANTE! (sing) and added new ones: MIME! (imitate), PARLE! (speak), MONTRE! (show--point to), LIS! (read)

We will also be reviewing numbers (and will practice reading and writing them--to 12), colors and how to say one's age:  TU AS QUEL ÂGE? >  J'AI SIX/SEPT ANS. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

La Rentrée 2016!  Welcome back to school and, to our new parents, welcome to Archway Arete!

I am eager to introduce a new batch of kindergarteners to the world of French and to continue the journey with our first-graders!  This is my third year at Arete and my eleventh year teaching French formally in the classroom. 

My own journey with French began in the seventh grade and continued through university, earning my BA in French from UCLA.  In my first teaching position in California, I taught French to all grades, K through high school.  After an eight year pause to raise my children in Minnesota (and homeschool for a few years), I returned to education, tutoring reading and math at a French immersion school.  After moving to Arizona, I worked as a Special Education/Resource Assistant at Dobson Academy, and then taught high school French at Arizona School for the Arts.

When I am not teaching, I enjoy spending time with my husband and three children, reading, biking, taking zumba or dance classes, drawing, watching period dramas, and traveling.

I look forward to seeing how much your children will learn this year! 

Madame Harris

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Students in kindergarten and first grade have finished the unit on clothing.  While learning the vocabulary, they were introduced to the concept of masculine and feminine gender.  First graders impressed me with their grasp of adjective agreement (masculine or feminine adjective) while we wrote full sentences describing the color of clothing. 

Students are enjoying practicing the phrases: "Who, me? / Not me! / Then who?" while we sing/play "Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar!" We will also begin learning many animals, some adjectives to describe them, and some prepositions to describe their location.

Kindergarten Vocabulary:

Les Animaux

le chien-dog,  le chat-cat,  le lapin-rabbit,  le poisson-fish,  la tortue-turtle,  le serpent-snake,               le cochon-pig

Les Adjectifs

grand-big,  petit-small,  sympa-nice,  méchant-mean,   lent-slow,  rapide-fast

Les Prépositions

sur-on,  sous-under,  dans-in

First Grade Vocabulary: All of the above PLUS the following additional animals:

le lion,  le tigre,  l'ours-bear,  la poule-hen/chicken,  la vache-cow,   le singe-monkey

Friday, April 8, 2016

You are invited to enjoy a special evening showcasing the artwork and French performances of your children on Friday, April 22nd. There will be artwork displayed throughout the hallways, a French class video in the MPR, along with a live performance by the French Club.
The evening will be divided into two sessions:  session 1 at 5:30 is for families with last names A-L, and session 2 at 6:50 is for last names M-Z.  Please arrive only during the session assigned to your last name.  This will help ensure sufficient parking and allow you to enjoy the evening comfortably. A schedule with specific activities is forthcoming and will be provided that evening as well.  We hope to see you there!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

First Grade

Students have been practicing their ACTION VERBS by physically obeying commands, but we are adding singular subject pronouns (I, You, He, She) to use the verbs in short sentences.  The verbs are:

manger (to eat), marcher (to walk), courir (to run), parler (to speak), sauter (to jump), tourner (to

turn), danser (to dance), chanter (to sing), dormir (to sleep), regarder (to look at/watch)

Subject Pronouns:   I--Je,   You--Tu,   He--Il,   She--Elle

Next Week, we will review the ALPHABET and articles of CLOTHING.  We will review the clothing under Kindergarten below and add the following:

un chemisier (uh* shuh mee zee yay) = a girl's shirt
une chaussette (ûn sho set) = a sock
un chapeau (uh* sha po) = a hat
un manteau (uh* mah* to) = a coat

Students have enjoyed the song "Banjo," and for Great Heart's Day we will learn a new song:

"Plus nous sommes ensemble, ensemble, ensemble,
 Plus nous sommes ensemble, plus heureux nous serons.
 Car tes amis sont mes amis, et mes amis sont tes amis,
 Plus nous sommes ensemble, plus heureux nous serons."

Translation:  The more we get together....the happier we'll be.
                      For your friends are my friends, and my friends are your friends,
                      The more we get together, the happier we'll be."


Students have been doing a great job learning the ALPHABET.  They have noticed that some letters sound the same as English, some are different, and a few are backwards (G and J).  They have enjoyed writing words that I dictate letter by letter on their small white boards and also playing Hangman.

We have been practicing a song about weather, sung with a partner, and it includes a patty-cake-type clap:

"Tu chanteras, je chanterai, nous chanterons ensemble,
  Tu chanteras, je chanterai, s'il fait beau ou mauvais."

Translation:  "You'll sing a song, I'll sing a song, we'll sing a song together,
                     You'll sing a song, I'll sing a song, if it's nice or bad weather."

Next week we will begin learning articles of CLOTHING:

un pantalon (uh* pah*tah loh*) = a (pair of) pants
une chemise (ûn shuh meez) = a shirt (men's/boy's)
une jupe (ûn zhûp) = a skirt
une robe (ûn rohb) = a dress
une chaussure (ûn sho sûr) = a shoe
un pull (uh* pûl) = a sweater